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Some birds are more or less “common” in certain countries, like Bee Eaters at Lesbos and qqq Diadem Redstart (Diadeemroodstaart) in Morocco and qqq in Israel. In Holland we choose Kingfisher (IJsvogel), Common Tern (Visdief), Grey Heron (Blauwe Reiger), Red-backed Shrike (Grauwe Klauwier), Little Owl (Steenuil) and Kestrel (Torenvalk) as “common bird”. All six are not rare nor extremely shy, display quite interesting behaviour and havve unique beauty, the Terns especially when flying.

Common Tern (Visdief) is usually flying and diving. It is a beautiful bird and a very fine one to practice your bird photographing skills like focus tracking and required 35mm equivalent (distance versus fast action) and test your equipment settings and field of view (when tracking fast flying bird). Sometimes it is close by, often it is far away or high up in the air or just flying or diving, but it is always elegant and beautiful particularly also in flight.

Kingfisher (IJsvogel) is usually rare and shy. It takes time, exo perience and patience to find its nest. It is breeding from half march through september and often builds several nests!. It can be hard to observe its complex behaviour but it is always strikingly beautiful and interesting although sometimes difficult photographing.


Grey Heron (Blauwe Reiger)


Red-backed Shrike (Grauwe Klauwier)


Little Owl (Steenuil)


Kestrel (Torenvalk)

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